Name: Randy Jameson *Current Main Character*
Race: Human
Level: 14
Use a Level 15 Key in The Dungeon of Displaced Time to Level Up
3/3, Level Up to Unlock more Classes
Artificer Rank 1 - There is magic in making stuff. Artificer spells are often powerful but situational.
Salesman Rank 1 - You know how to convert material things into advantage over others.
Epic Bard Rank 2 - Your voice wills magic into existence. Your study of Epic Poetry renders your magic powerful, but infrequent.
HP: 17/24
Movement: 3 tiles per round (Reduced by February the Amethyst Kite Shield)
Weapon On Hand: Unidentified Walking Stick (+2 attack bonus, 1d4 damage, Possible Hidden Effects)
Ranged Weapon Readied: Unidentified Goblin Staple Gun (Range of 3m, +4 attack bonus, 1 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)
Armor: Toga, Backpack, and Kite Shield (AC 15)
Other Items:
Equipment -
Unidentified Magical Ring with Eagle Engraving (Seems to store Triumphant Memories gained when your memory slots are full) (Equipped)
Warscarab (Single Use, Allows you to assume a powerful insectoid form)
Unidentified Machete (+2 Attack Bonus, 1d6 Damage, tool)
Unidentified Trowel (+0 attack bonus, 1d2 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)
Unidentified Bolt Cutter (-4 attack bonus, 1d12 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)
Unidentified Overcomplicated Cyberpunk AWP (Range of 8m, +7 attack bonus, 1d8+2 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, Requires Specific Classes or Abilities to Use)
February the Amethyst Kite Shield (+2 AC, -1 to Movement Speed if it is 4 or Higher, Cannot be used with 2 Handed Weapons, Weakens incoming attacks that would otherwise inflict massive damage to the wielder, if damaged can be repaired with decorative minerals) (Equipped)
Useful Doodads -
Multivernet Enabled Smartphone - 2/5 Tabs in Use
11 Dubloons - Universal Dungeon Crawler Currency
Mark of the Goblinoid Khanum - A talisman that guarantees safety and a small contribution if presented to a low ranking Goblinoid. May vanish after use.
CD-A: Jock - Grants a rank in the Jock class
CD-A: Assassin - Grants a rank in the Assassin class
Cinema Key - Find memories behind a dungeon lock
Scrapyard Key - Find raw materials behind a dungeon lock
Rasputin Society Key - Crow suggests this key will give you answers. Perhaps use it on a dungeon lock?
2 Unidentified "Identify" Scrolls - Unknown effect. Targets an item of your choice in your inventory.
Unidentified "Enchant Weapon" Scroll - Unknown effect. Targets an item of your choice in your inventory.
Unidentified Potion in a Gold Bottle - Unknown Effect.
Unidentified Tube of "Colorum Splendidus" - Unknown Effect.
Opticfinder+ Magnifying Glass - Unknown Effect. Use on unharvested resources?
Bag of Golden Caltrops - Spread on ground to inflict damage and possible Unknown Effects to pursuing enemies.
Raw Materials -
1 Mini-Boss Heart - Special Resource
2 Servings of Enchanted Pork - Source of Protein and Enchantment Magic
2 Servings of Roach Meat - Source of Protein and Animal Remains
1 Bag of Assorted Contact Lenses - Source of Glass and Optics
2 Bags of Fresh Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Animal Remains
2 Bags of Aged Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Unholy Magic
1 Bag of Pure Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Enchantment Magic
2 Mantid Eyes - Source of Optics and Bestial Remains
3 Pieces of Dungeon Rubble - Source of Stone and Abjuration Magic
1 Peg Leg - Source of Wood and Sentient Remains
3 Spools of Coper Wire - Source of Smithing Metal and Conductive Metal
2 Units of Gauntlet Goo - Source of Chemical Regents and Temporal Magic
1 Units of Dust of Eternity - Source of Sentient Remains and Temporal Magic
2 64 Bit Polygons - Source of Sentient Remains and Digital Assets
2 Units of Hecksulphur - Source of Chemical Regents and Unholy Magic
2 Pieces of Cursed Ivory - Source of Bone and Enchantment Magic
1 Units of Turquoise Shard - Source of Decorative Minerals and Abjuration Magic
Basic Crafting: When crafting items at a Goblin or Gnome's workshop, you may use Triumphant or Creative memories in place of any other required memory.
Sense Customer: When entering a room with NPCs for the first time, you have a 1/3rd chance of identifying one as being interested in an item or items you carry. You may attempt to bargain with a hostile NPC if it is clearly in command of the other enemies, or the only baddie left conscious.
Fortitude of Homer: The Blinded condition does not prevent you from targeting enemies with spells. Once per dungeon room when you cast a Bard Spell, you may end a single random negative status condition affecting you.
Theology of Milton: As an action, view the statblock of a Fiendish or Angelic Enemy.
Artificer Spells -
Assemble/Disassemble (6m Range, Choose to inflict or heal 6d6 damage to a construct within range, or 3d6 damage to a non-construct predominantly made of wood, bone, or solid inorganic material. 2 uses per room)
Animate Tool (1 Use Per Room, can be used on random school supplies from your backpack if no suitable tool exists in your inventory.)
Bard Spells -
Homeric Recitation (All creatures within 5m of casting who can hear you have a 2/5 chance of napping, and a 1/5 chance of sleeping. 2 Uses Per Dungeon)
Curse of Circe (2m Range, The target turns into a delicious pig that possesses similar HP and DPS to its original form, but lacks special abilities. 2 Uses Per Dungeon. May Fail Against Bosses)
Narrate Epic Strike (10m Range or Self Targeting, The target gains a +10 bonus to hit and a +10 bonus to damage on their next non-spell attack. 1 Use Per Dungeon)
Narrate Epic Deed (10m Range or Self Targeting, The target is restored to full health, and takes a free turn on which they may not cast Bard Spells. 1 Use Per Dungeon)
Name: Jameson
Race: Chimeric Undead
Level: 1
Use a NPC Level-Up Key in an Appropriate Dungeon to Level Up
Monstrous Undead 2 - There are innate advantages to being an unliving freak with the horns of a bull.
HP: 3/28
Movement: 3 tiles per round
Weapon On Hand: Horns (+5 Attack Bonus, 1d4+1 Damage)
Ranged Weapon Readied: N/A
Armor: Large Shambling Target (AC 6)
Other Items:
Equipment -
Useful Doodads -
Raw Materials -
Bullrush: As a full-turn action, this creature may move up to twice its normal speed and make a mandatory attack with its horns. If it moved 3 or more tiles before making the attack, this creature gains a +5 bonus to hit and knocks its target prone if it inflicts at least 4 damage.
Defile Life and Death: As an action, Jameson may make a melee attack against an AC of 13 that physically targets a corpse and metaphyiscally targets the very laws of life and death! On a hit, inflict the damage roll as Unholy Damage to all living and undead creatures in the room aside from Jameson, and reduce the corpse to raw materials that can serve as a source of unholy magic.
Loyal: Randy Jameson is this creature's master and creator. It will always accept any item trade from Randy without complaint. Only the most powerful of magics may turn this creature against its master.
Simple Minded: This creature may not take classes that suggest a high level of intelligence. This creature may only gain memories in the following ways: triumphant memories from winning fights, and heartfelt or collaborative memories from interacting with its master.
Opposed to Life: Unless standing orders make it very clear that it is to do something else, this creature will prioritize engaging in melee with organic mortal foes once combat begins. If separated from its master without orders, it will seek to kill any living thing it doesn't know to be a friend.
Extremely Flammable: This creature takes double fire damage as it draws lifeforce from highly reactive hecksulphur. When this creature suffers fire damage, the hecksulphur ignites in a small detonation, inflicting 1d6 Fire Damage to all adjacent creatures.
Name: Gray
Race: Homo Obsessio
Level: 14x
Use a NPC Level-Up Key in an Appropriate Dungeon to Level Up
Warlock of Korgulgith 1 - The outer being Korgulgith is contracted to provide power to lower ranking members of the Rasputin Society. His gifts place emphasis on damage output and mobility
Smuggler 1 - The Rasputin Society is in the business of sneaking contraband into off-campus dungeons. Gray is in training to take on this dangerous and prestigious job.
HP: 11/16
Movement: 4 tiles per round
Weapon On Hand: Unidentified Serrated Knife (+2 Attack Bonus, 1d6+1 Damage, tool)
Ranged Weapon Readied: Magicaim Crossbow (Range of 6m, +3 Attack Bonus, 1d6+1 Damage, Can consume a 1 use per dungeon spell to autocrit, X use per dungeon spell to auto hit, or any other non-cantrip spell for +7 to hit)
Armor: Small Frame and Emo Outfit + Boots (AC 13)
Other Items:
Equipment -
Boots of the Runner (+1 AC, +3 to AC on turns when your actions result in an increase of AC, +3 to movement speed on turns when your actions result in an increase in movement speed)
Useful Doodads -
Outdated Smartphone - Multivernet Enabled
Raw Materials -
1 Units of Gauntlet Goo - Source of Chemical Regents and Temporal Magic
1 Units of Dust of Eternity - Source of Sentient Remains and Temporal Magic
1 Units of Purple Shard - Source of Decorative Minerals and Abjuration Magic
Cantrips: Gray has unlimited use of several minor spells granted by their patron.
Catch me if you Can: If Gray moves at least four tiles, their AC increases by five until the start of their next turn. Gray always has +2 AC against opportunity attacks.
Dweller Resurrection: If killed near the school, Gray will eventually be restored to life by a Heartkeeper. Allies can bring this about quickly by seeking out a Heartkeeper, or with proper skill attempt it themselves at a Heartstation.
Eldritch Lash (3m Range, Make an attack at +7 to hit that Inflicts 1d8 damage. Cantrip)
Flowing Dash (Self, Your movement speed is increased by 5 this round, and any creature who attempts but misses an opportunity attack against you falls prone. Cantrip)
Chemical Romance (4m Range, Make an attack at +9 to hit that Inflicts 1d12+4 Acid Damage and has a 50% of causing the target to become infatuated with the user. 2 Uses Per Room)
Externally Sourced Smite (5m Range, Choose and consume a 'source of magic' raw material in your inventory and make a ranged attack at +9 to hit. The damage and secondary effects of the attack vary based on the consumed item, 4 uses per dungeon)
Name: Diode
Race: Construct
Level: 1
Use a NPC Level-Up Key in an Appropriate Dungeon to Level Up
Electrified Support - The Golem's copper body channels magic into electricity, which it uses primarily to aid allies.
HP: 21/21
Movement: 3 tiles per round
Weapon On Hand: Heavy Punch (+3 Attack Bonus, 1d6+1 Damage)
Ranged Weapon Readied: N/A
Armor: Metallic Body (AC 15)
Other Items:
Equipment -
Useful Doodads -
Raw Materials -
Electric Shield: With focus, the golem can conjure and wield a shield of pure electric energy. If the golem ends its turn without taking any action, its own AC is increased by four, all adjacent allies receive a bonus of +1 to their AC, and any creature that hits the golem or an adjacent ally with a melee attack takes 1d4 electric damage. These buffs last until the start of the Golem's next turn.
Loyal: Randy Jameson is this creature's master and creator. It will always accept any item trade from Randy without complaint. Only the most powerful of magics may turn this creature against its master.
Simple Minded: This creature may not take classes that suggest a high level of intelligence. This creature may only gain memories in the following ways: triumphant memories from winning fights, and heartfelt or collaborative memories from interacting with its master.
Emergency Killswitch: If the Golem suffers from a mental status condition from any source other than its own abilities, it shuts itself down to protect its programing from damage. It can be rebooted with the use of any friendly spell or magic effect.
Easily Overloaded: This creature takes no damage from electricity, and instead is healed by half the amount of damage it would have otherwise taken. If the golem's HP is increased beyond its max this way, it becomes overloaded and enters a state of rage in which it is unable to distinguish friend from foe, and gains +10 to hit and +2d6 electric damage to all its attacks. If Overloaded, the Golem will return to normal when reduced below half of its max HP.