Level Up Club Party

Name: Randy Jameson *Current Main Character*
Race: Human
Level: 14
Use a Level 15 Key in The Dungeon of Displaced Time to Level Up

3/3, Level Up to Unlock more Classes

Artificer Rank 1 - There is magic in making stuff. Artificer spells are often powerful but situational.
Salesman Rank 1 - You know how to convert material things into advantage over others.
Epic Bard Rank 2 - Your voice wills magic into existence. Your study of Epic Poetry renders your magic powerful, but infrequent.

HP: 17/24
Movement: 3 tiles per round (Reduced by February the Amethyst Kite Shield)
Weapon On Hand: Unidentified Walking Stick (+2 attack bonus, 1d4 damage, Possible Hidden Effects)

Ranged Weapon Readied: Unidentified Goblin Staple Gun (Range of 3m, +4 attack bonus, 1 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)
Armor: Toga, Backpack, and Kite Shield (AC 15)

Other Items:

Equipment -
Unidentified Magical Ring with Eagle Engraving (Seems to store Triumphant Memories gained when your memory slots are full) (Equipped)
Warscarab (Single Use, Allows you to assume a powerful insectoid form)

Unidentified Machete (+2 Attack Bonus, 1d6 Damage, tool)
Unidentified Trowel (+0 attack bonus, 1d2 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)
Unidentified Bolt Cutter (-4 attack bonus, 1d12 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, tool)

Unidentified Overcomplicated Cyberpunk AWP (Range of 8m, +7 attack bonus, 1d8+2 damage, Possible Hidden Effects, Requires Specific Classes or Abilities to Use)

February the Amethyst Kite Shield (+2 AC, -1 to Movement Speed if it is 4 or Higher, Cannot be used with 2 Handed Weapons, Weakens incoming attacks that would otherwise inflict massive damage to the wielder, if damaged can be repaired with decorative minerals) (Equipped)

Useful Doodads -
Multivernet Enabled Smartphone - 2/5 Tabs in Use
11 Dubloons - Universal Dungeon Crawler Currency
Mark of the Goblinoid Khanum - A talisman that guarantees safety and a small contribution if presented to a low ranking Goblinoid. May vanish after use.
CD-A: Jock - Grants a rank in the Jock class
CD-A: Assassin - Grants a rank in the Assassin class
Cinema Key - Find memories behind a dungeon lock
Scrapyard Key - Find raw materials behind a dungeon lock
Rasputin Society Key - Crow suggests this key will give you answers. Perhaps use it on a dungeon lock?
2 Unidentified "Identify" Scrolls - Unknown effect. Targets an item of your choice in your inventory.
Unidentified "Enchant Weapon" Scroll - Unknown effect. Targets an item of your choice in your inventory.
Unidentified Potion in a Gold Bottle - Unknown Effect.
Unidentified Tube of "Colorum Splendidus" - Unknown Effect.
Opticfinder+ Magnifying Glass - Unknown Effect. Use on unharvested resources?
Bag of Golden Caltrops - Spread on ground to inflict damage and possible Unknown Effects to pursuing enemies.

Raw Materials -
1 Mini-Boss Heart - Special Resource

2 Servings of Enchanted Pork - Source of Protein and Enchantment Magic
2 Servings of Roach Meat - Source of Protein and Animal Remains
1 Bag of Assorted Contact Lenses - Source of Glass and Optics
2 Bags of Fresh Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Animal Remains
2 Bags of Aged Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Unholy Magic
1 Bag of Pure Roach Powder - Source of Narcotics and Enchantment Magic
2 Mantid Eyes - Source of Optics and Bestial Remains
3 Pieces of Dungeon Rubble - Source of Stone and Abjuration Magic
1 Peg Leg - Source of Wood and Sentient Remains
3 Spools of Coper Wire - Source of Smithing Metal and Conductive Metal
2 Units of Gauntlet Goo - Source of Chemical Regents and Temporal Magic
1 Units of Dust of Eternity - Source of Sentient Remains and Temporal Magic
2 64 Bit Polygons - Source of Sentient Remains and Digital Assets
2 Units of Hecksulphur - Source of Chemical Regents and Unholy Magic
2 Pieces of Cursed Ivory - Source of Bone and Enchantment Magic
1 Units of Turquoise Shard - Source of Decorative Minerals and Abjuration Magic

Basic Crafting: When crafting items at a Goblin or Gnome's workshop, you may use Triumphant or Creative memories in place of any other required memory.
Sense Customer: When entering a room with NPCs for the first time, you have a 1/3rd chance of identifying one as being interested in an item or items you carry. You may attempt to bargain with a hostile NPC if it is clearly in command of the other enemies, or the only baddie left conscious.
Fortitude of Homer: The Blinded condition does not prevent you from targeting enemies with spells. Once per dungeon room when you cast a Bard Spell, you may end a single random negative status condition affecting you.
Theology of Milton: As an action, view the statblock of a Fiendish or Angelic Enemy.


Artificer Spells -
Assemble/Disassemble (6m Range, Choose to inflict or heal 6d6 damage to a construct within range, or 3d6 damage to a non-construct predominantly made of wood, bone, or solid inorganic material. 2 uses per room)
Animate Tool (1 Use Per Room, can be used on random school supplies from your backpack if no suitable tool exists in your inventory.)

Bard Spells -
Homeric Recitation (All creatures within 5m of casting who can hear you have a 2/5 chance of napping, and a 1/5 chance of sleeping. 2 Uses Per Dungeon)
Curse of Circe (2m Range, The target turns into a delicious pig that possesses similar HP and DPS to its original form, but lacks special abilities. 2 Uses Per Dungeon. May Fail Against Bosses)
Narrate Epic Strike (10m Range or Self Targeting, The target gains a +10 bonus to hit and a +10 bonus to damage on their next non-spell attack. 1 Use Per Dungeon)
Narrate Epic Deed (10m Range or Self Targeting, The target is restored to full health, and takes a free turn on which they may not cast Bard Spells. 1 Use Per Dungeon)
