Current Main Character: Rot McMortis
Highest Level Reached: 3
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Cities Banished From: 1
Party Inventory:
Not enough party members to have a party inventory…
-This group is wandering aimlessly, with the vague idea of joining up with the demonic forces…
Party Spell Library:
Will be set up when needed…
Party Graveyard:
Will be set up after somebody dies [Again]…
Name: Urist Dregs
Race: Dwarf
Level: 3
Survive 2 more combat encounter(s) to level up!
Teamwork Levels:
None Yet
HP: 16/16
Movement: 3 meters per round
Weapon On Hand: Steel Morningstar (+8 Attack Bonus, 2d6+2 Damage)
Ranged Weapon Readied: None
Armor: Steel Armor, Steel Kiteshield of Maltar (AC 19) [+3 AC against metal, stone, or gem weapons]
Other Items:
Silver Dagger (+8 Attack Bonus, 2d2+2 Damage)
Gold Nightstick (+8 Attack Bonus, 2d2+3 Damage)
4 Potions of 190 Proof (Inflicts the drunk debuff of the drinker)
2 Pretzel Rations
Dwarven Liver: While both drunk and in battle, Urist heals 1d2 HP a round.
Blessing of the Minerals: Any silver weapon inflicts an additional 2 Holy damage when used by Urist. Any gold weapon inflicts an additional 2 Evil damage when used by Urist. Any weapon made of other metals inflicts an additional 2 Electrical damage when used by Urist. Any weapon made of gemstones inflicts an additional 2 Magic damage when used by Urist.
Guardian: Twice per dungeon, while weilding a shield, Urist can protect himself or an adjacent ally from a ranged attack or damaging spell that would otherwise successfully hit.
Prospector: Upon entering a new Dungeon, Urist marks a room on the map as containing minerals. Should the party visit that room and get a moment when they are not in battle, Urist will find 2d4+1 Gems, Ores, Rocks and/or Fossils.
Heroic Effort: While Urist's HP is below 50% of its maximum, he may attempt two Melee attacks as a single action.
+1 Execute/Dumbo.exe
+1 Cheesecake
+3 Tombsice
Name: Rot McMortis
Race: Ghoul
Level: 3
Survive 1 more combat encounter(s) to level up!
Teamwork Levels:
None Yet
HP: 15/15
Movement: 4 meters per round
Weapon On Hand: Claws (+2 Attack Bonus, 1d6+1 Damage)
Ranged Weapon Readied: Revolver Bonebow (+5 Attack Bonus, 2d6+4 damage) [6/6 Bolts, Produces Own Ammo when reloaded next to a corpse with bones or fed a bone item]
Armor: Leather Armor, Body Resistant to Damage (AC 15)
Other Items:
Shotgun (+5 Attack Bonus, 4d6+2 Damage, -1d6 per meter in damage dropoff beyond the first meter, minimum damage 1d6+2, Can fire both chambers for +5 to damage roll) [2/2] Shells
26 Shotgun Shells
1 Unholy Hand Grenade (Blast Radius 3, 3d6+2 Healing to all Demons and Undead, 6d6+3 Evil Damage To Everything Else)
2 Napalm Grenades (Blast Radius 2, 1d6 Explosive Damage, 2d6 Fire Damage, Spreads Napalm Around the Blast Radius)
2 Frag Grenades (Blast Radius 3, 2d6 Explosive Damage, 3d6 Damage)
1 Sanctified Grenades (Blast Radius 3, 1d4 Holy Damage, 6d6+3 Holy Damage against demons and the undead)
4 Blast Grenades (Blast Radius 4, 3d6+2 Explosive Damage)
5 Quadriplegic Rabbits (Food for those who need living flesh, also useful as a minor offering to a god)
1 Ass Bone Ball and Socket Joint
1 Jar of Equine Intestine Glue
Undead Attributes: Take x2 damage from sources of holy damage. Take x1.5 damage from sources of light damage. Take .5 damage from sources of evil damage. Immune to poison damage and most poison effects.
Ghoulish Appetite: Requires live or very recently living flesh to eat. Cannot Eat Normal Rations. Hunger does not increase after a fight against living foes.
Grenadier: Never risks critical failure with grenade usage. All grenades thrown no more than 8m away are perfectly accurate.
Tinkerer: Can combine three or more items into a new mechanical or enchanted item. Cannot be used during battle. Can fail dangerously or render useless items.
Scrounger: Find 1d2 items to tinker with after each battle. 25% Chance to find an item to tinker with when an adjacent foe dies. Item drop increases to 50% when foe is magical in nature or a construct. Item drop increases to 100% if foe is a magical construct.
Designer: Up to twice per dungeon, Rot may come up with the plans for a specific item, construct, or device of the players choosing, and list the tools and components he needs to make it. More spectacular designs are harder to make. Cannot be used in battle.
+2 IronyOwl
Name: Ralphina Hunter
Race: Infected Human
Level: 3
Survive 1 more combat encounter(s) to level up!
Teamwork Levels:
None Yet
HP: 18/18
Movement: 4 meters per round
Weapon On Hand: Bayonet (+3 Attack Bonus, 2d6+3 Damage) [Attached to Elephant Gun]
Ranged Weapon Readied: Elephant Gun (+5 Attack Bonus, 2d8+4 Damage, Halves Targets AC if Target relies more on armor than evasion) [1/1 AP Slug]
Armor: Leather Armor (AC 13)
Other Items:
21 Armor Piercing Slug
5 Blast Grenades (Blast Radius 4, 3d6+2 Explosive Damage)
3 Smart Grenades (Blast Radius 3, 3d6 Magical Damage, Will not harm allies of the user)
2 Frenzy Grenades (Blast Radius 5, All targets of an 'Infected' race, or who are suffering from the 'Infected' debuff, are afflicted with the 'Frenzy' debuff. All targets debuffed this way gain +2 attack bonus and damage to their next melee attack)
2 Concussion Grenades (Blast Radius 2, 1d6 Explosive Damage, Pushes all Medium or Smaller targets 2m away from the center of the blast)
6 Meat Rations
3 Hard Ass Leather
1 Demonic Leather
Undead Attributes: Take x2 damage from sources of holy damage. Take x1.5 damage from sources of light damage. Take .5 damage from sources of evil damage. Immune to poison damage and most poison effects.
Infected Rage: Upon landing or receiving a melee attack against a living opponent, Ralphina suffers the 'Frenzy' Debuff. While suffering from Frenzy, an infected must attempt an action each round that would either damage or possibly inflict infection upon a living target. Ralphina may choose to resist entering into the state of frenzy if she wishes, and has a 50% chance of doing so. Frenzy ends when the battle is over, or when their are no living targets remaining.
Frenzied Awareness: Ralphina's AC is increased by 4 while suffering from the Frenzy debuff.
Huntress: Reloading any sort of bow or gun can be performed by sacrificing Ralphina's movement as opposed to her full turn.
Butcher: Gains 1 Meat Ration for each living target slain.
Ralph: Twice per dungeon, Ralphina may hack up enough infected gunk to cover three tiles. These tiles must be adjacent to one another, and at least one must be adjacent to Ralphina. Each round, living creatures standing in infected gunk have a 50% chance of gaining the 'Infected' debuff. Each round, flesh based undead standing in infected gunk heal for 2hp. Creatures may spend their full round rolling in the gunk to double their healing or infection chance. Infected Gunk remains potent for 3 full rounds.
-1 Execute/Dumbo.exe